Talleres Artísticos
Musical Arts
  • Choir
  • Musical Instruments

Through the musical arts classes will help students develop polyphony and harmony also personality, creativity, self-learning ability, independence.

Grafic Arts
  • Drawing and Painting

Graphic art is one of the most primal expressions of the human being, being able to make anyone who has a pencil, a colour or a support, ideas, concepts, feelings are transmitted and feelings, regardless of the group to which one belongs.

Fine Arts
  • Sculptures Paper
  • Recycling Craft

Fine Arts are different from all those in its form of expression, since they use flexible or solid materials molded, arranged or modified in any other way at will by the artist.

Performing Arts
  • Folk and Modern Dances
  • Marinera
  • Theatre - Clown - Mimo

Many physical and emotional benefits are obtained through the performing arts, it does not mean create painters or dancers, but giving strategies that humans form with more ability to engage socially, to observe the world in a different way is going to propose and generate certain resources, to make evident your sensitivity.

Literary Arts
  • Declamation
  • Public Speaking

“If literature disappears we not lose an art, but the soul”
Fernando Savater

BTN Trujillo 2023
BTN Trujillo 2022

Servicio al Padre de Familia

Comprobante electrónico

