
Respect for others is one of the cornerstones of democratic life and the ability to live in society, this value that ensures personal interrelationships.

Responsibility is a value that is in the consciousness of people, which allows us to think, manage, guide and assess the consequences of their actions, always at the level of the moral.

Teamwork means that each of our students become part of a group and as such, they make up an active element that carries the fact of knowing that they are part of a whole.

Humility is one of the main values, is to know how to clear the values, to maintain them and to defend them even in situations of clear superiority or success.

Constancy is the will get the maximum performance from our students and do things not only well, but as good as possible, and try to overcome every day.

Honesty means telling the truth, being decent, reasonable value. It is a human quality that is to act according as one thinks and feels. It is simple respect for the truth

BTN Trujillo 2023
BTN Trujillo 2022

Servicio al Padre de Familia

Comprobante electrónico

